“Waiting tables has never paid my bills, a fact which I prefer to hide from my colleagues with deep sighs about the price of just about everything.” Read More: http://thisrecording.com/today/2012/3/13/in-which-we-dont-do-coke-in-the-bathroom-of-the-restaurant.html
Daily Archives: February 8, 2013
“THE french fry was “almost sacrosanct for me,” Ray Kroc, one of the founders of McDonald’s, wrote in his autobiography, “its preparation a ritual to be followed religiously.” During the chain’s early years french fries were made from scratch every day.” Read More: http://www.rense.com/general7/whyy.htm
Reading: “Why McDonald’s Fries Taste So Good”
“These cooking/serving tools designed by Danish design firm KiBiSi have notches on the back so that they may gently rest on a pot or pan while you work. Made from white beech, they’re functionally minimal (or minimally functional?) as can only be expected from the manufacturer, Muuto.” Read More: http://www.betterlivingthroughdesign.com/accessories/muuto-cookingserving-set/
Reading: “Hang Around Cooking/Serving Set — ACCESSORIES”
“Here now, the cover of the next issue of David Chang and McSweeney’s cultish quarterly journal collaboration Lucky Peach, which is finally on its way to mailboxes and bookstores everywhere.” Read More: http://eater.com/archives/2013/02/08/heres-the-cover-for-lucky-peach-issue-6-the-apocalypse.php