“This new series from Brooklyn-based illustrator Monica Ramos shows people taking comfort in food in more literal way than usual. Ramos said she was inspired by Maurice Sendak’s “In the Night Kitchen,” one of her favorite books as a kid.” Read More: http://www.buzzfeed.com/emofly/5-incredibly-charming-illustrations-of-comfort-food
Monthly Archives: April 2013
“Few living filmmakers have proven as able to spin their obsessions into cinematic gold as Quentin Tarantino.” Read More: http://www.openculture.com/2013/04/the_power_of_food_in_quentin_tarantinos_films.html
Reading: “The Power of Food in Quentin Tarantino’s Films”
“No disrespect to the wonderful and vast assortment of food play sets that allow kids to plate pretend omelettes or experience the thrills of teatime, but this maguro model, which guides whoever yields the maguro bōchō through the process of butchering a whole tuna, is really just the best.” Read […]
Reading: “Tsukiji Fish Market Vendor’s Tuna Model Better Than Any ...
“HYDE PARK, N.Y. — About 90 students at the Culinary Institute of America walked out of classes Tuesday to protest what they called a weakening enforcement of educational standards, including a requirement that applicants have experience in a professional kitchen.” Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/24/dining/student-chefs-protest-at-culinary-institute-of-america.html
Reading: “Students Protest at Culinary Institute”
This is a dish my mother made fairly often. I’ve been listening to Lynn Rossetto Kapser’s The Splendid Table lately and I find her advice to be pretty sound and her conversations with guests are always interesting. She has some advice on her website regarding “How to Spot a Good […]
“The television personality and cookbook author Ted Allen stirred up a shit storm this week by calling me out on my hatred of the round wooden spoon, which he apparently has the hots for.” Read More: http://ruhlman.com/2013/04/creme-anglaise/
Reading: “Final Word On Battle of the Spoons (w/Creme Anglaise)”
“As in pre-colonial Africa, common women ran local food markets in the Aztec Empire and thereafter.” Read More: http://www.foodasalens.com/2013/04/food-markets-aztec-empire.html
Reading: “Food Markets In The Aztec Empire”
“Sure, we all know alcohol has fueled plenty a writing session. William Faulkner — who once said, “civilization begins with distillation” — was known to have kept a bottle by his side while he typed away throughout his writing career.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/04/03/176121775/from-vine-to-pen-theres-more-than-one-way-wine-fuels-writing?ft=1&f=1053
Reading: “From Vine To Pen: When Your Drink Is In ...
“Las Vegas, NV – January 7, 2013 – HAPILABS, a company aimed at helping individuals in the 21st century take control of their HAPIness, health and fitness through applications and mobile connected devices, today introduced the HAPIfork at CES, the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.” Read More: http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/06/hapilabs-introduces-hapifork-and-spoon-smart-utensils-brings/
Reading: “HAPILABS introduces HAPIfork (and spoon) smart utensils, brings metrics ...
“As an artist, Caitlin Freeman found her calling in cake. Freeman started out wanting to be an art photographer.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/04/17/177317449/modern-art-desserts-how-to-bake-a-mondrian-in-your-oven
Reading: “‘Modern Art Desserts’: How To Bake A Mondrian In ...
“My parents used an archaic version of the pressure cooker back in the day, primarily to cook spuds for mashed potatoes. As kids, we were wary of the thing–steam shooting from the hole in the top, making a wild whistle, an adult wrestling the beast open with difficulty. But mashies […]
Reading: “Pressure Cooker Terror”
“Since publishing The Omnivore’s Dilemma in 2006, Michael Pollan has become an ethical-eating guru, pointing the way toward conscientious consumption for a generation devoted more and more to the cult of food.” Read More: http://newyork.grubstreet.com/2013/04/michael-pollan-in-conversation-with-adam-platt.html
Reading: “In Conversation: Michael Pollan and Adam Platt”
“The downside to being an expat working in Nairobi who wanted to check out the local eats is that by the time I left the office, it was usually dark.” Read More: http://feeds.seriouseats.com/~r/seriouseatsfeaturesvideos/~3/Ww1tQcmg-58/what-to-eat-in-kenya-nyama-choma-in-nairobi-nyama-choma-roasted-meat-goat-tusker-beer.html
Reading: “Snapshots from Kenya: Eating Roasted Goat from a Nyama ...
“When we think about pigs today, most of us likely imagine the Wilbur or Babe-type variety: pink and more or less hairless. Mention pig farming and images of hundreds upon hundreds of animals crammed into indoor cages may come to mind, too. But it wasn’t always like this.” Read More: […]
Reading: “How One Family Helped Change the Way We Eat ...
“The strong savoury flavour that makes everything from spag bol to Marmite so hard to resist may serve a vital evolutionary purpose. We could even use it to fight malnutrition. Pass the parmesan I am often flabbergasted when I think about how humans came to develop such complex culinary skills.” […]
Reading: “Life and style”
“Exclusive Design Articles, Delivered to Your Inbox Daily. Silicon Valley employees routinely get the best and healthiest food at work. Doing something similar in our schools isn’t as crazy as it seems.” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672319/what-google-s-cafeterias-can-teach-us-about-school-lunches
Reading: “What Google’s Cafeterias Can Teach Us About School Lunches”
“- 225,282 GRT (gross register tonnage) – 1,187 feet (362 meters) long – 215 feet (66 meters) wide – 213 feet (65 meters) high from the water line – 30 feet (9.” Read More: http://twistedsifter.com/2013/04/behind-the-scenes-allure-of-the-seas-worlds-largest-cruise-ship/
Reading: “Behind the Scenes of the World’s Largest Cruise Ship”
“For all their precision and safety features, there’s something sort of disappointing about induction cooktops (which work through induction, rather than heat transfer).” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672310/tricky-disguises-that-make-induction-cooking-look-primitive
Reading: “Tricky Disguises That Make Induction Cooking Look Primitive”
“A new London restaurant, Dishoom Shoreditch, is inviting their customers to submit their own stories and memories, which will be baked onto their dinner plates. The idea was modeled on the old Irani cafes of Bombay, where food and stories are shared around the table.” Read More: http://acqtaste.com/the-feed/a-lot-on-your-plate/
Reading: “A Lot on Your Plate”
“Hong Yi is an artist/architect from Malaysia known as, ‘the artist who loves to paint, but not with a paintbrush’. She also goes by the nickname ‘Red’ because Hong sounds like the word ‘red’ in Mandarin.” Read More: http://twistedsifter.com/2013/04/creative-food-art-portraits-by-hong-yi/
Reading: “Creative Food Art Portraits by Hong Yi”
“It’s hard for me to think of spring without thinking of honeybees and all the spring flowers they make possible. We have a beekeeper on our team (Amy), so Max and I have been learning more about them over the past few years.” Read More: http://www.designsponge.com/2013/04/bees-wrap.html
Reading: “Bee’s Wrap”
“Jane Austen’s Emma Woodhouse is perhaps the most flawed of all of Austen’s female protagonists. Even though she is beautiful and witty and smart, many Austen fanatics dislike her, calling her jealous and self-centered, snobbish, obstinate, insensitive.” Read More: http://yummy-books.com/2013/04/05/the-emma-woodhouse-ham-project/
Reading: “The Emma Woodhouse Ham Project”
“Yesterday, members of Ukrainian feminist group Femen staged protests across Europe calling for a “topless jihad” in support of Tunisian activist Amina Tyler. Meanwhile Pennsylvania-based brewing company Sly Fox is doing something also called “topless” but involving fewer militant arrests.” Read More: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/04/topless-beer-can-revolution/274730/
Reading: “Topless Beer Can Revolution”
“I have not posted an article on this blog for ages. A number of demanding TV and museum projects have conspired to make me so busy that I have had no time to add anything in the past couple of months.” Read More: http://foodhistorjottings.blogspot.com/2013/04/eating-egypt.html
Reading: “Eating Egypt”
“— In a discovery suggesting that odors may have a far more important role in life than previously believed, scientists have found that heart, blood, lung and other cells in the body have the same receptors for sensing odors that exist in the nose.” Read More: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/food/~3/qiZOTT2T7F0/130407183542.htm
Reading: “Do Cells in the Blood, Heart and Lungs Smell ...
“Don’t throw out those used coffee grounds: Your plants need ’em. Composting is a low-maintenance way to minimize personal kitchen waste, create cheap, nutrient-rich fertilizer, and contribute to the health and productivity of a personal or community garden.” Read More: http://feeds.seriouseats.com/~r/seriouseatsfeaturesvideos/~3/reN3vw4-Y0w/how-to-use-coffee-in-compost-why-coffee-is-good-for-compost.html
Reading: “Why You Should Compost Your Coffee Grounds”
“As most readers of Edible Geography will know, smell makes up to ninety percent of what we perceive as flavour, primarily through a process known as retronasal olfaction, in which odour molecules travel from the mouth to the nose via the throat as we eat.” Read More: http://www.ediblegeography.com/bloody-nose/
Reading: “Bloody Nose”
“Editor’s note: This post was written by “Meliz,” an intrepid explorer of Istanbul’s culinary backstreets and frequent Istanbul Eats guest contributor who would like to keep her anonymity.” Read More: http://www.culinarybackstreets.com/istanbul/2013/heyamola-ada-lokantasi/
Reading: “Heyamola Ada Lokantası: Island Time”
““YOU. Girl with the notebook. Out.” It was only my first day on the job as a cookbook ghostwriter, shadowing a top-flight chef, when the owner of a Chicago restaurant threw me out of the kitchen.” Read More: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/14/dining/i-was-a-cookbook-ghostwriter.html