“Rare is the film that can make your mouth water. So rare, in fact, that when it happens—when a movie really gets food and cooking—it’s easy to gorge yourself on it, stretching lazily into the conclusion that nothing better could hope to exist.” Read More: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/food/2013/07/cailles_en_sarcophage_babette_s_feast_s_richest_most_expensive_dish_made.html
Monthly Archives: July 2013
“Put it this way: A banana and a jar of Nutella can go a long way toward explaining the difference between pornography and real-life romping. In the Fast and the Furious series, drivers pull off some amazing stunts.” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1673144/infographic-porn-vs-real-sex-explained-in-food
Reading: “Infographic: Porn Vs. Real Sex, Explained In Food”
“Eat your words? A design studio imagines–and plates–fonts as their food counterparts. It used to be so simple: We’d experience things through five fairly well defined senses.” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1673112/your-serif-is-served-typefaces-imagined-as-food
Reading: “Your Serif Is Served: Typefaces Imagined As Food”
“Cereal, penises, NyQuil, even weed. Nothing is off limits for the creative minds behind Voodoo Doughnuts, which is exactly what’s made them so darned delightful. Long before the resurgence of Brooklyn and the birth of the Cronut, there was a West Coast revolution in sugar, flour, and yeast.” Read More: […]
Reading: “Weed, NyQuil, And Dongs: The Secret Ingredients Behind Voodoo ...
“Range is a smart thermometer from the makers of Twine. Photo: Supermechanical By minimizing components, the designers were able to fit all the guts into this handy silicone handle Photo: Supermechanical The app’s designed for one-finger use, natch.” Read More: http://feeds.wired.com/c/35185/f/661454/s/2f5914a9/sc/15/l/0L0Swired0N0Cdesign0C20A130C0A70Ckickstarter0Ea0Esmart0Ekitchen0Ethermometer0Ethat0Ehooks0Eup0Eto0Eyour0Eiphone0C/story01.htm
Reading: “Kickstarter: An iPhone Kitchen Thermometer, From the Inventors of ...
“Is it a coincidence that some of our favorite foods were originally designed to cure hangovers? Or is it a very depressing indicator of our own lifestyle? When you’ve woken up with the room still spinning, your mouth parched and ears ringing, chances are that brunch still sounds delicious.” Read […]