“When in doubt, use your nose. That’s how you’ll know pineapples, peaches, and other fruits are ripe. For many summer fruits, smell is a good indicator of their ripeness. For peaches, pineapples, cantaloupes, and mangoes, their stem ends should smell sweet like how they should taste.” Read More: http://lifehacker.com/give-most-fruits-the-sniff-test-to-see-if-theyre-ripe-1154475487
Monthly Archives: August 2013
“For more than six years, I ran a restaurant without tips. A couple of years after opening the Linkery restaurant in San Diego, the team and I adopted a policy of adding to each dining-in check a service charge of 18 percent—a little less than our tip average had been.” […]
Reading: “What Happens When You Abolish Tipping”
“In last week’s Hacker Challenge, we asked you to share your best grill hack. We received some great entries, but the winning hack shows us how to build a DIY smoker on the cheap using a trash can.” Read More: http://lifehacker.com/hacker-challenge-winner-create-a-diy-trash-can-smoker-1124469979
Reading: “Hacker Challenge Winner: Create a DIY Trash Can Smoker”
“In the category of “the vast and ridiculous number of things you can find on YouTube” are a handful of videos in which people steam salmon in their dishwasher. Just to see how it turns out. (Surprisingly well is the answer.)” Read More: http://www.slate.com/articles/video/food/2013/08/dishwasher_cooking_can_you_steam_or_poach_eggs_shellfish_and_vegetables.html
Reading: “How to Cook With Your Dishwasher”
“Behold: A 12-course meal … in a can! Photo: Chris Godfrey “All in One” was created by Chris Godfrey as part of a dissertation on consumer culture. Photo: Chris Godfrey No false advertising. All the dishes on the label were made, processed, combined with gelatin, and meticulously layered.” Read More: […]
Reading: “The Ultimate Apocalypse Cuisine: A 12-Course Meal in a ...
“It’s grilling season, and if you don’t own a good charcoal grill, you should consider making your own out of an old beer keg. This tip comes via Instructables user limer_10. As you might imagine, the hardest part is finding a good keg to use, followed closely by cutting it […]
Reading: “Turn a Beer Keg Into an Awesome Charcoal Grill”
“Vivi Mac is a freelance artist from France. In an ongoing series entitled Art Ephemere, Mac uses a wide variety of foods, drinks and ingredients to create speed painting portraits of artists, musicians and celebrities.” Read More: http://twistedsifter.com/2013/08/speed-painting-portraits-food-drink-vivi-mac/
Reading: “Speed Paintings Made from Various Foods and Drinks”
“Atkins? The Paleo Diet? Those have no place here, amidst a beautiful mega illustration of over 250 types of pasta. Why does pasta have ridges? There’s actually a great reason: Ridges help sauce stick, but it’s so much more complicated than that.” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1673203/250-pastas-you-should-eat-before-you-die
Reading: “250 Pastas You Should Eat Before You Die”
“Food52, a crowdsourced cooking website co-founded by former New York Times food editor Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs, is today making the move into e-commerce with the launch of an online shop called Provisions.” Read More: http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/06/content-meets-commerce-meets-food-cooking-site-food52-debuts-new-e-commerce-shop-provisions/
Reading: “Content Meets Commerce Meets Food: Cooking Site Food52 Debuts ...
“If you’ve ever found yourself at an Italian restaurant trying to decide between mezzani or ricciutelli or chifferi or fazzoletti without knowing what any of them mean only to settle for ubiquitous and familiar penne, a new chart from Pop Chart Lab can transform you into a know-it-all pasta snob.” […]
Reading: “Pasta Shapes, Charted”
“If you’ve ever found yourself at an Italian restaurant trying to decide between mezzani or ricciutelli or chifferi or fazzoletti without knowing what any of them mean only to settle for ubiquitous and familiar penne, a new chart from Pop Chart Lab can transform you into a know-it-all pasta snob.” […]
Reading: “Pasta Shapes, Charted”
“Rhiannon is the 25-year-old Australian Zoology graduate and self-taught baker behind the food blog cakecrumbs.me. Her incredible Jupiter planet cake (seen above) was featured earlier this week on the highly influential I f*cking love science Facebook page (which boasts a staggering 6.” Read More: http://twistedsifter.com/2013/08/spherical-layer-cake-planets-by-cakecrumbs/
Reading: “Spherical Layer Cake Planets by Cakecrumbs”
“An ear of corn isn’t all that difficult to remove from its husk, but if you don’t do it the right way, you’ll waste time picking out the silky threads that are left behind. If you peel it correctly though, it’s possible to avoid them.” Read More: http://lifehacker.com/shuck-corn-with-one-quick-tug-to-get-rid-of-silk-thread-1013236723
Reading: “Shuck Corn With One Quick Tug to Get Rid ...
“In late 2011, a Dutch scientist made headlines by announcing that he was ready to grow meat—or at least muscle tissue—in a cell culture dish.” Read More: http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/08/in-a-380000-publicity-stunt-synthetic-hamburger-cooked-in-london/
Reading: “In a $380,000 publicity stunt, synthetic hamburger cooked in ...
“Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin financed what could be the next revolution in food production: a test tube-grown hamburger. Dutch researchers unveiled a stem cell-grown 5-ounce beef patty at a public taste testing on Monday.” Read More: http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/05/google-co-founder-unveils-his-latest-moon-shot-a-test-tube-burger/
Reading: “Google Co-Founder Unveils His Latest Moon Shot: A Test ...
“Exclusive Co.Create Articles, Delivered to Your Inbox Daily. The folks at Thrillest conduct a long-overdue study into which chain’s coffee is strongest, and the results may cause you to change your morning routine.” Read More: http://www.fastcocreate.com/1683514/caffeine-quantified-your-favorite-coffee-chains-ranked-weakest-to-strongest?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+fastcocreate%2Ffeed+%28Co.Create%29
Reading: “Caffeine Quantified: Your Favorite Coffee Chains Ranked, Weakest to ...
“Burpple, the memorably-named mobile app for food lovers that we profiled in December, has launched an updated version that makes it easier for gourmands to share pictures and recommendations.” Read More: http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/01/burpple-2/
Reading: “Burpple Unleashes A Fresh Version Of Its Social App ...
“Some people seem to spend more time snapping photos of their food than eating it, but they may have good reason for it. A study recently published in the journal Psychological Science suggests that posting an image of a dish to Instagram before digging in may make it taste better.” […]
Reading: “Instagramming Your Food May Make It Taste Better, Study ...
“Hashtag games on Twitter are often born of simple ideas. Somebody with a sizable amount of followers tosses #depressingsitcoms into the digital ring and suddenly thousands of people are concurrently explaining that Nobody Loves Raymond.” Read More: http://www.fastcocreate.com/1683482/feast-your-eyes-on-snoop-loops-frosted-drakes-and-other-rapper-cereals#1