“Rhiannon is the 25-year-old Australian Zoology graduate and self-taught baker behind the food blog cakecrumbs.me. Her incredible Jupiter planet cake (seen above) was featured earlier this week on the highly influential I f*cking love science Facebook page (which boasts a staggering 6.” Read More: http://twistedsifter.com/2013/08/spherical-layer-cake-planets-by-cakecrumbs/
Daily Archives: August 5, 2013
“An ear of corn isn’t all that difficult to remove from its husk, but if you don’t do it the right way, you’ll waste time picking out the silky threads that are left behind. If you peel it correctly though, it’s possible to avoid them.” Read More: http://lifehacker.com/shuck-corn-with-one-quick-tug-to-get-rid-of-silk-thread-1013236723
Reading: “Shuck Corn With One Quick Tug to Get Rid ...
“In late 2011, a Dutch scientist made headlines by announcing that he was ready to grow meat—or at least muscle tissue—in a cell culture dish.” Read More: http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/08/in-a-380000-publicity-stunt-synthetic-hamburger-cooked-in-london/
Reading: “In a $380,000 publicity stunt, synthetic hamburger cooked in ...
“Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin financed what could be the next revolution in food production: a test tube-grown hamburger. Dutch researchers unveiled a stem cell-grown 5-ounce beef patty at a public taste testing on Monday.” Read More: http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/05/google-co-founder-unveils-his-latest-moon-shot-a-test-tube-burger/