“Food52, a crowdsourced cooking website co-founded by former New York Times food editor Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs, is today making the move into e-commerce with the launch of an online shop called Provisions.” Read More: http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/06/content-meets-commerce-meets-food-cooking-site-food52-debuts-new-e-commerce-shop-provisions/
Daily Archives: August 6, 2013
“If you’ve ever found yourself at an Italian restaurant trying to decide between mezzani or ricciutelli or chifferi or fazzoletti without knowing what any of them mean only to settle for ubiquitous and familiar penne, a new chart from Pop Chart Lab can transform you into a know-it-all pasta snob.” […]
Reading: “Pasta Shapes, Charted”
“If you’ve ever found yourself at an Italian restaurant trying to decide between mezzani or ricciutelli or chifferi or fazzoletti without knowing what any of them mean only to settle for ubiquitous and familiar penne, a new chart from Pop Chart Lab can transform you into a know-it-all pasta snob.” […]