In a conversation with Bill Moyers, the scholar Joseph Campbell said that “if you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are […]
Daily Archives: February 5, 2013
“Who in the world needs a specialized milk pan? Pfft, not me, that’s for sure, especially after trying to heat up milk for a matcha latte yesterday.” Read More:
Reading: “Kaico Enamel Milk Pan — ACCESSORIES”
“1. On Seattle: “For a long time now, one of the best and most interesting food scenes in America, period.”2. On the Tesla he rented while in Seattle: “They’ve got internet on this motherfucker, I can watch porn while I’m driving.”3.” Read More:
Reading: “The Layover’s Series Finale in Seattle: Just the One-Liners”
“I thought it was about time I had a new header more appropriate for a historian. And since I enjoy collecting and dissecting pictures of people grinding grains, I’ve put up this engraving entitled “L’art du fair pain à l’âge de pierre” (The Art of Making Bread in the Stone […]
Reading: “The Art of Making Bread in the Stone Age”
“In January 2012, I started Paper and Salt. The past year brought a lot of new things: new jobs, new friends, new recipes, new books, new travels.” Read More:
Reading: “Of Books and Cooks: 5 Lessons from Year 1”
“When James Joyce sat down and wrote, in Ulysses, “Her griddlecakes done to a goldenbrown hue and Queen Ann’s pudding of delightful creaminess,” he probably did not imagine that decades later, bloggers in the 21st century would be attempting to cook the very foods he described.” Read More: