“Enlarge Image Credit: Todd Coleman SERVES 6 INGREDIENTS 1 cup canola oil 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken thighs Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste ½ lb.” Read More: http://feeds.saveur.com/c/34568/f/632425/s/2881602f/l/0L0Ssaveur0N0Carticle0CRecipes0CCajun0EBenedict/story01.htm
Daily Archives: February 13, 2013
“If you’re not worried about making this cake vegan, you can swap in any simple frosting. Recipe here. This four-ingredient gluten-free cookie recipe is a total keeper.” Read More: http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelysanders/amazing-gluten-free-desserts-for-valentines-day
Reading: “33 Amazing Gluten-Free Desserts For Valentine’s Day”
“If one day of hearts and lovey-dovey, mushy-gushy isn’t enough, you might want to consider a move to Japan or Korea. Both countries have an interesting adaptation for Valentine’s Day: They celebrate it twice.” Read More: http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/food/2013/02/koreas-black-day-when-sad-single-people-get-together-and-eat-only-black-food/
Reading: “Korea’s Black Day: When Sad, Single People Get Together ...
“Los Angeles, CA February 13, 2013 – Vendome Pictures announced today that it has come on board to produce and finance EL BULLI, a fictionalized dramatic feature film based on world-famous Spanish chef Ferran Adrià and the restaurant he built into the world’s foremost gastronomic mecca, elBulli.” Read More: http://eater.com/archives/2013/02/13/elbulli-film-gets-a-producer-screenwriter.php
Reading: “ElBulli Film Gets a Producer, Screenwriter”
“”Darwin was an unusual gourmet. He had a distinctly scientific approach to eating and was never more satisfied than when digesting the rarest species known to the palate. As a student at Cambridge, Darwin presided over the Glutton Club, which met weekly in order to seek out and eat ‘strange […]
Reading: “Happy BD, Young Mr. Darwin, A Glutton for the ...
“IMAGE: A random mutation caused this Golden Delicious apple to turn half-red, half-green. According to Susan Brown, she can breed apples with a stable variation of this mutation that creates candy-cane red stripes on a pale yellow-skinned apple. Photo ARCHANT via The Daily Telegraph.” Read More: http://www.ediblegeography.com/the-tree-with-the-apple-tattoo/