“Julia Child has truly become one of the immortals of American culture. There’s a new comic book out retelling her life story. Julia Child certainly did that. She became a television star with her groundbreaking cooking series, “The French Chef.” Read More: http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/food/stew/chi-julia-child-comic-book,0,5881412.story
Daily Archives: February 16, 2013

“What Would Julia Child Do? Source: huffingtonpost.com Meat, cheese, and bread knuckle tatts. Source: firstwefeast.com Hot dog tattoo. Source: ocweekly.com Romantic avocado tattoos. Source: foodbeast.com Stand mixer tattoo. Source: flickr.com Ingredients for hummus tattoo. Source: flickr.” Read More: http://www.buzzfeed.com/arielknutson/incredible-tattoos-dedicated-to-food