““To eat is to appropriate by destruction,” said Jean-Paul Sartre. Norwegian photographer Christopher Jonassen evokes this sentiment in Devour, his photo series of the bottoms of frying pans, which we recently spotted over at iGNANT.” Read More: http://www.flavorwire.com/369391/surprisingly-beautiful-portraits-of-frying-pan-bottoms/view-all
Daily Archives: February 19, 2013
“This is an Instagram of someone’s brunch. Source: instagr.am Does it make your blood boil? Source: instagr.am Do you hate the person who took this? Source: instagr.am Are you never going on Instagram again? Source: instagr.am Take a step back. Breathe. Look at the photos. Source: instagr.” Read More: http://www.buzzfeed.com/louispeitzman/why-do-you-hate-instagrams-of-brunch
Reading: “Why Do You Hate Instagrams Of Brunch?”
“In the culinary world, it’s clear that the last decade has been a fairly salt-centric one. In the early 2000s, chefs returned to the tradition of salting meat several hours to several days in advance of cooking it. And Thomas Keller, famed French Laundry chef, called salt “the new olive […]