“Q: What exactly happens in the test kitchen? A: We’re responsible for testing recipes for each of the hundreds of donut varieties that Dunkin’ Donuts makes. We also test equipmenteverything that touches the donut has to come through our lab first.” Read More: http://www.saveur.com/article/Kitchen/The-Making-of-a-Dunkin-Donut
Daily Archives: March 12, 2013
“Here’s White House pastry chef Bill Yosses advocating a “hedonistic culture of healthy eating” at the food-focused TEDx Manhattan event.” Read More: http://eater.com/archives/2013/03/11/watch-bill-yosses-ted-talk-on-chefs-and-the-hedonistic-culture-of-healthy-eating.php
Reading: “Watch Bill Yosses’ TED Talk on Chefs and the ...
“Easter’s coming up — a special time of year for fast-food ads pitching their fish offerings. Arby’s, Burger King and regional chains like Carl’s Jr. are trying to net hungry Catholic customers who’ve given up meat for Lent. Copyright © 2013 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/2013/03/12/174080037/during-lent-fast-food-chains-fish-for-catholics?ft=1&f=1053
Reading: “During Lent, Fast-Food Chains Fish For Catholics”
“When I think of flavour perception, noses and taste buds primarily spring to mind. Sure, other factors such as texture, temperature and touch sensations play a part, but taste and smell are the dominant senses here, right? Well perhaps not.” Read More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/mar/12/how-taste-different-colours
Reading: “How we taste different colours”
“Exclusive Design Articles, Delivered to Your Inbox Daily. Gardens vs. Factories, by Jono Pandolfi Genetic modification gone too far (but vegetables are even easier to match).” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672009/famous-foodies-imagine-dinner-plates-from-the-future
Reading: “Famous Foodies Imagine Dinner Plates From The Future”
“A shovel overturned can flip so much more than soil, worms, and weeds. Structural racism – the ways in which social systems and institutions promote and perpetuate the oppression of people of color – manifests at all points in the food system.” Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beverly-bell/uprooting-racism-in-the-f_b_2853804.html