“IN 10,000 years, the earth’s population has doubled ten times, from less than 10m to more than six billion now and ten billion soon. Most of the calories that made that increase possible have come from three plants: maize, rice and wheat.” Read More: http://www.economist.com/node/5323362
Daily Archives: March 18, 2013
“Written by , Nick Schonberger and Foster Kamer | Posted on Thursday 01-03-2013 at 11:34 am. | Comments” Read More: http://firstwefeast.com/eat/20-things-everyone-thinks-about-the-food-world-but-nobody-will-say/s/29176/
Reading: “20 Things Everyone Thinks About the Food World (But ...
“At what point is an indoor compost drawer no longer okay? Years ago, before the advent of quiet kitchen composters that look more like Xboxes than trash heaps, I got a worm bin. A worm bin is essentially a compost bucket filled with worms that eat your table scraps and, […]
Reading: “An Adventure in Composting Gone Very Wrong”
“Although bubble tea has been popular in Asia since the 1980s, it has taken thirty years for it to travel across Europe. It is not entirely certain who created the first bubble tea, as several cafés claimownership to its invention.” Read More: http://thefoodiebugle.com/article/purveyors/bubble-tea-the-taste-of-taiwan#When:20:44:44Z
Reading: “Bubble Tea – The Taste of Taiwan”
“Welcome to the world of early 20th century sandwich making, when the advent of sliced bread gave birth to a booming sandwich culture. The first bread-slicing machine was installed in a factory in 1928; within two years, 90% of store-bought bread was factory sliced.” Read More: http://www.fourpoundsflour.com/the-history-dish-1001-sandwiches/
Reading: “The History Dish: 1001 Sandwiches”
“What’s the Latest Development? An important addendum to the fact that humans are social animals is that we are socially constrained animals. Constraint, says Jeffrey Kahn, associate professor of psychiatry at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, is the glue that fastens the bonds of civilization.” Read More: http://bigthink.com/ideas/enjoying-civilization-thank-beer
Reading: “Enjoying Civilization? Thank Beer.”
“In Greece, this cake is baked and brought to church on August 27th, the feast of Saint Fanourios. He is the patron saint of lost things, and eating this cake is said to help you find what you are looking for.” Read More: http://feeds.seriouseats.com/~r/seriouseatsfeaturesvideos/~3/Oh5cmNt4VZA/wake-and-bake-fanouropita-cake-for-lost-things.html