“Exclusive Design Articles, Delivered to Your Inbox Daily. Gardens vs. Factories, by Jono Pandolfi Genetic modification gone too far (but vegetables are even easier to match).” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672009/famous-foodies-imagine-dinner-plates-from-the-future
“London food designers, Blanch & Shock, have made a birthday cake like no other for the magazine, Icon.” Read More: http://acqtaste.com/the-feed/birthday-bash/
Reading: “Birthday Cake Art”
“If you prefer a little lemon or lime in your water, then you need to sit up and pay attention. The Citrus Zinger has a citrus press built into its bottom side, making it easy to extract juice from fruits and infuse them directly into your water bottle.” Read More: […]
Reading: “Citrus Zinger Water Bottle — PERSONAL”
“Slaughtered meat is the unexpected inspiration for artist Tamara Kostianovsky. The New York artist has recreated butchered meats using fabric to give the impression of flesh, bone and fat.” Read More: http://acqtaste.com/the-feed/butchered-fabric/
Reading: “Butchered Fabric”
“Bacon Wreath No. 2 Bacon Wreath No. 4” Read More: http://www.buzzfeed.com/maceyjforonda/15-absurdly-awesome-bacon-paintings