““The possibilities that lie in the future are infinite. When I say ‘It is our duty to remain optimists,’ this includes not only the openness of the future but also that which all of us contribute to it by everything we do: we are all responsible for what the future […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
“For the longest time, the people who spent their careers studying nutrition could only guess at the extent to which people were attracted to sugar. That all changed in the late 1960s, when some lab rats in upstate New York got hold of Froot Loops, the super-sweet cereal made by […]
Reading: “Sugar, children and the food industry’s billions”
The Dinner by Herman Koch My rating: 4 of 5 stars “Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are.” Those were the words of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, and I believe that Herman Koch, author of The Dinner, subscribed to the sentiment while writing this short, but […]
Review: “The Dinner” by Herman Koch
“Have you ever been to a fancy restaurant and wondered what the extra spoons and forks were for? I most defiantly have.” Read More: http://dailyinfographic.com/dinning-etiquette-infographic
Reading: “Dinning Etiquette [infographic]”
“It’s time for another round of The Food Lab. Got a suggestion for an upcoming topic? Email Kenji here, and he’ll do his best to answer your queries in a future post. Become a fan of The Food Lab on Facebook or follow it on Twitter for play-by-plays on future […]
Reading: “Ask The Food Lab: Do I Need To Use ...
“Your kitchen may not be the mirror of your soul, but it can produce a pretty accurate image of where you’ve landed on the time line of domesticity. Take a tour through it.” Read More: http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/books/2013/03/18/130318crbo_books_kramer
Reading: “A Fork of One’s Own”
“Q: What exactly happens in the test kitchen? A: We’re responsible for testing recipes for each of the hundreds of donut varieties that Dunkin’ Donuts makes. We also test equipmenteverything that touches the donut has to come through our lab first.” Read More: http://www.saveur.com/article/Kitchen/The-Making-of-a-Dunkin-Donut
Reading: “The Making of a Dunkin’ Donut”
“Here’s White House pastry chef Bill Yosses advocating a “hedonistic culture of healthy eating” at the food-focused TEDx Manhattan event.” Read More: http://eater.com/archives/2013/03/11/watch-bill-yosses-ted-talk-on-chefs-and-the-hedonistic-culture-of-healthy-eating.php
Reading: “Watch Bill Yosses’ TED Talk on Chefs and the ...
“Easter’s coming up — a special time of year for fast-food ads pitching their fish offerings. Arby’s, Burger King and regional chains like Carl’s Jr. are trying to net hungry Catholic customers who’ve given up meat for Lent. Copyright © 2013 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/2013/03/12/174080037/during-lent-fast-food-chains-fish-for-catholics?ft=1&f=1053
Reading: “During Lent, Fast-Food Chains Fish For Catholics”
“When I think of flavour perception, noses and taste buds primarily spring to mind. Sure, other factors such as texture, temperature and touch sensations play a part, but taste and smell are the dominant senses here, right? Well perhaps not.” Read More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/mar/12/how-taste-different-colours
Reading: “How we taste different colours”
“Exclusive Design Articles, Delivered to Your Inbox Daily. Gardens vs. Factories, by Jono Pandolfi Genetic modification gone too far (but vegetables are even easier to match).” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672009/famous-foodies-imagine-dinner-plates-from-the-future
Reading: “Famous Foodies Imagine Dinner Plates From The Future”
“A shovel overturned can flip so much more than soil, worms, and weeds. Structural racism – the ways in which social systems and institutions promote and perpetuate the oppression of people of color – manifests at all points in the food system.” Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beverly-bell/uprooting-racism-in-the-f_b_2853804.html
Reading: “Uprooting Racism in the Food System: African Americans Organize”
“What was that line in Lord of the Flies? When Roger decides to kill Piggy? He makes that irreversible transgression with something like “a sense of delirious abandonment”.” Read More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2013/mar/09/mark-lynas-truth-treachery-gm
Reading: “Mark Lynas: truth, treachery and GM food”
“For me, the epitome of stovetop alchemy is making caramel from table sugar. You start with refined sucrose, pure crystalline sweetness, put it in a pan by itself, and turn on the heat. When the sugar rises above 320°F/160°C, the solid crystals begin to melt together into a colorless syrup.” […]
Reading: “Caramelization: new science, new possibilities”
“If food is love, Americans must love their kids a lot. About one-third of children and adolescents in the U.S. are overweight or obese.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/03/01/173245261/how-did-our-brains-evolve-to-equate-food-with-love?ft=1&f=1053
Reading: “How Did Our Brains Evolve To Equate Food With ...
“A swarm of locusts that has devastated crops in Egypt made its way into neighboring Israel this week.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/03/07/173729602/plague-of-locusts-has-israelis-asking-are-they-kosher-for-passover?ft=1&f=1053
Reading: “Plague Of Locusts Has Israelis Asking: Are They Kosher ...
“London food designers, Blanch & Shock, have made a birthday cake like no other for the magazine, Icon.” Read More: http://acqtaste.com/the-feed/birthday-bash/
Reading: “Birthday Cake Art”
“Whose crumbs the crows inspect And with ironic caw Flap past it to the Farmer’s Corn — Men eat of it and die.” Read More: http://www.foodasalens.com/2011/04/historic-poems-and-food-series-emily.html
Reading: “Emily Dickinson Through the Lens of Food”
“If you prefer a little lemon or lime in your water, then you need to sit up and pay attention. The Citrus Zinger has a citrus press built into its bottom side, making it easy to extract juice from fruits and infuse them directly into your water bottle.” Read More: […]
Reading: “Citrus Zinger Water Bottle — PERSONAL”
“Slaughtered meat is the unexpected inspiration for artist Tamara Kostianovsky. The New York artist has recreated butchered meats using fabric to give the impression of flesh, bone and fat.” Read More: http://acqtaste.com/the-feed/butchered-fabric/
Reading: “Butchered Fabric”
“It’s no secret that many Americans have a fetish for big food. Whether it’s a triple-decker cheeseburger or a 128-ounce Big Gulp, some portions in the U.S. have gotten freakishly large. But not all of our supersizing is unhealthy.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/03/06/173617381/we-like-em-big-and-juicy-how-our-table-grapes-got-so-fat?ft=1&f=1053
Reading: “We Like ‘Em Big And Juicy: How Our Table ...
“Bacon Wreath No. 2 Bacon Wreath No. 4” Read More: http://www.buzzfeed.com/maceyjforonda/15-absurdly-awesome-bacon-paintings
Reading: “15 Bizarre And Awesome Bacon Paintings”

“Common as in bad packaged pizza, supermarket meats and the like.” Read More: http://foodmuseum.com/entries/food-products/yay-industrial-chemicals-now-in-food
Reading: “Yay, Industrial Chemicals Now in Food”
“It takes an adventurous palate to be a food journalist, who must sample and judge from a wide world of cuisines. So it’s understandable why some chefs and foodies might be suspicious of a food editor who decides to cut himself from a broad swath of eating possibilities by becoming […]
Reading: “Career Suicide Or Lifesaver? Why A Professional Foodie Went ...
“It wasn’t the fish heads poking out of the Stargazy Pie that stopped more than a few of our readers cold. It was the eyeballs. Turns out, quite a lot of cuisine features eyeballs. But there’s no question that in many cultures, eating eyes is a food taboo.” Read More: […]
Reading: “Eating Eyeballs: Taboo, Or Tasty?”
“Fans of artist Will Cotton’s recent meringue- and fondant-trimmed outfits for “It” girl Elle Fanning in New York’s Spring Fashion issue will no doubt be overjoyed to learn that patisseries also adhere to seasonal looks.” Read More: http://newyork.grubstreet.com/2013/03/dominique-ansel-will-cotton-cake-fraisier.html
Reading: “Anatomy of a Cake: Will Cotton and Dominique Ansel’s ...
“They weren’t engineered with spliced salmon genes in a test tube, nor have they ever benefited from a marketing board of string-pulling executives, nonetheless, Eat Like a Man explains, the Honeycrisp has become a hit “grassroots phenomenon” with a cult following of apple eaters and a price tag t” Read […]
Reading: “The Unbelievable Truth About Honeycrisp Apples”
“A typographical gaffe that appeared in Minnesota’s Free Press of Mankato caused quite a stir in the social media universe this week.” Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/06/rapefruit-headline-minnesota-free-press-of-mankato_n_2819481.html
Reading: “‘Rapefruit’ Headline Embarrasses Minnesota’s Free Press Of Mankato, As ...
“We’ve all been served that iceberg lettuce salad that’s decorated with a single, barely red tomato wedge. Even for a hardcore veggie lover, that mealy chunk of flavorless pink cellulose can be a tough sell.” Read More: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672053/how-do-you-get-people-to-eat-more-veggies-genetic-engineering
Reading: “How Do You Get People To Eat More Veggies? ...
“Oh my gosh, the winter farmers market is getting smaller by the minute. There is barely any seasonal produce besides root vegetables and maple syrup.” Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cathy-erway/heirloom-potato_b_2804279.html
Reading: “An Heirloom Potato Primer”
“Two lab-coated scientists escalate the war between cookies and creme in Oreo’s latest campaign. The last time we heard from this ongoing saga, one man had assembled a clever way to thoroughly scrape off every last trace of creme from his Oreos–striking a blow for Team Cookie.” Read More: http://www.fastcocreate.com/1682522/two-toy-scientists-get-cremed-by-another-oreo-separator
Reading: “Two Toy Scientists Get Cremed By Another Oreo Separator”
“Michael Moss’ recent cover article in the New York Times Magazine, The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food, served as a preview for the Pulitzer Prize winning reporter’s latest food industry exposé: Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us.” Read More: http://blogs.laweekly.com/squidink/2013/03/salt_sugar_fat_moss.php
Reading: “Books: Addicted to Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food ...
“Food poems, like love poems, have the potential to be vague and maudlin. The New York Times’ profile of a book of food poetry refers to Winston Churchill’s supposed declaration, “Take away this pudding. It has no theme.” This, of course, is a sadly reductionist take on food.” Read More: […]
Reading: “Food Poems: The Best Poetry About Food”
“Chinese noodles make their way to Japan, quite possibly thanks to the Chinese chefs at Tokyo’s Rairaiken restaurant, none of whom were available for comment. Taiwanese-born businessman Momofuku Ando invents instant noodles in Osaka.” Read More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/thrillist/ramen-history_b_2811456.html
Reading: “Ramen History: 9 Important Instant Noodle Moments”
“During World War II, the Betty Crocker company distributed a series of pamphlets to help war-time housewives, suggesting recipes for meatless meals and sugarless cakes.” Read More: http://www.fourpoundsflour.com/party-time-reenactor-hobo-party/
Reading: “Party Time Reenactor: Hobo Party”
“University of Alberta researchers have found a way to replace artificial preservatives in bread, making it tastier.” Read More: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/food/~3/6UctRn9Jumo/130225112506.htm
Reading: “Scientists Bake a Better Loaf of Bread”
“When it comes to food, I generally don’t think in absolutes. Shunning all carbs or all sugar just doesn’t make any sense to me, unless you have a health condition that requires it.” Read More: http://www.pbs.org/food/fresh-tastes/black-vinegar-pork/
Reading: “Black Vinegar Pork Recipe : Fresh Tastes Blog”

“Can’t make up your mind when looking for dishes or dinnerware? You’re in luck. You can have two plates, or two mugs in one. This two-faced dinnerware collection designed by the Studio Hybrid CtrlZak for Seletti is for the commitment weary.” Read More: http://artnectar.com/2013/02/two-faced-dinnerware-design-hybrid-collection-seletti/
Reading: “Two-Faced Dinnerware Design: The Hybrid Collection”
“In 1994, Julie Languille lived at the epicenter of the Northridge earthquake, which struck the Los Angeles neighborhood with a magnitude of 6.7. She and her family were without power for two weeks, and the long lines at nearby grocery stores soon began to shrink as food ran out.” Read […]
Reading: “Meals in a Jar: From Pancakes to Baby Back ...
“The Vault is Slate’s new history blog. Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter @slatevault; find us on Tumblr. Find out more about what this space is all about here.” Read More: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2013/02/25/chairman_mao_how_the_mango_came_to_symbolize_loyalty_to_his_government.html
Reading: “How the Mango Became the Fruit of Mao”
“The following article originally appeared in the Apocalypse Issue of Lucky Peach, a quarterly journal of food and writing. It is available online only in Slate. Subscribe to Lucky Peach here. As a resident of earthquake country, I’ve long maintained a sizable stash of emergency canned goods.” Read More: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/food/2013/03/aging_canned_goods_why_time_and_heat_can_make_your_canned_tuna_and_spam.single.html
Reading: “Age Your Canned Goods”
“Chicken and waffles is a great dish — nobody would deny that, except for chickens. But it’s not always the easiest thing to eat. You’ve got bones to deal with, plus sticky syrup, and worst of all, finite stomach capacity.” Read More: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/03/04/173430559/sandwich-monday-chicken-and-waffles
Reading: “Sandwich Monday: Chicken And Waffles”
“Marie Howe, the state poet for New York and the author of such books as “What the Living Do,” specializes in vibrant, bracing, haunting work that stops you in your tracks. Ms. Howe, 62, lives in Manhattan; she spoke about the lyrical and occasionally comic role food has played in […]
Reading: “A Poet at the French Laundry”
“You have to figure that for astronauts, being in space is awesome enough that they won’t be particularly picky about food. And you’d probably be right.” Read More: http://dvice.com/2013-1-23/gallery-half-century-space-food
Reading: “Gallery: Half a century of space food”
“To be lucky enough to score a reservation at El Bulli was one thing. To be furnished not only with one of the world’s hottest dining experiences, but also an insider’s list of where else to go while in Spain was something else.” Read More: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/food-and-wine/who-knows-best-where-to-eat-a-chef-or-a-critic/article8814538/
Reading: “Who knows best where to eat: a chef or ...
“Thanks to decades of breeding, the modern agricultural tomato has a lot of properties that are great for farmers: the plants are incredibly productive, and the resulting tomatoes hold up well to shipping. Just one small problem: they are nearly tasteless.” Read More: http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/02/we-broke-the-tomato-and-were-using-science-to-fix-it/
Reading: “We broke the tomato, and we’re using science to ...

“A 45-year-old professional cannabis baker based in Los Angeles talked to BuzzFeed about her job. She asked to remain anonymous. I was reluctant because I knew that if I was going to do it, I had to go all out. I couldn’t hide it from my family, and I didn’t […]
Reading: “My Life As A Professional Cannabis Baker”
“You know how when you love what you do, you want to be the best at it? You read about your job? You go to school or take a class to learn more? You fixate on the progressive journey that is in part, your life? If you’re not in love […]
Reading: “Travel Breeds Inspiration”
“This is a true story about a young couple in love and the most glamorous hotel in the world. We are telling the story together because it is so indelibly a part of both of our lives that we didn’t think either of us could tell it alone.” Read More: […]
Reading: “An Evening at the Waldorf”
“The enormous, pungent, and extremely well marketed Maine Lobster Festival is held every late July in the state’s midcoast region, meaning the western side of Penobscot Bay, the nerve stem of Maine’s lobster industry.” Read More: http://www.gourmet.com/magazine/2000s/2004/08/consider_the_lobster?printable=true